

The BACKUP DATABASE command creates a backup copy of a database or a table space. A backup of your database and related stored data must be created to ...

DB Backup on two different devclass?

2018年4月9日 — hi guys, i am taking db backup on devcalss file which is on e:-db-* as a admin schedule and set db recovery on same. now i want to take one ...

How to take TSM Database backup when the TSM Server ...

2015年2月18日 — You can take TSM DB backup by using DB2 commands even after TSM server is down. There are many situations where you need to take TSM DB ...

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX

Store at least one backup copy of the device configuration file on a disk separate from the database; Store your device configuration file offsite with your ...

TSM DB , Recovery Log, Storage Pool

It is a place where total log information will be stored. Whenever backup or archive is running all the metadata of client information will be moved to TSM DB ...

tsm db backup on file

2017年3月28日 — hi guys, iam going to take tsm db backup on file base i have created below file davcalss BACKUPSERVER> define devclass FILE devtype=file...

TSM server DB backup.

2006年10月3日 — We run the command backup db devclass=LTO2_CLASS type=full volume=600816 wait=yes through a script to dump the DB to tape, then ship it to our ...


2008年3月20日 — Experts, We are using online backup using TSM to backup our databases. Does TSM write the DB backup to Disk and write it to tape?


TheBACKUPDATABASEcommandcreatesabackupcopyofadatabaseoratablespace.Abackupofyourdatabaseandrelatedstoreddatamustbecreatedto ...,2018年4月9日—higuys,iamtakingdbbackupondevcalssfilewhichisone:-db-*asaadminscheduleandsetdbrecoveryonsame.nowiwanttotakeone ...,2015年2月18日—YoucantakeTSMDBbackupbyusingDB2commandsevenafterTSMserverisdown.TherearemanysituationswhereyouneedtotakeTSMDB ...,Storeatleast...

DriveImage XML 2.22 - 免安裝的影像備份軟體

DriveImage XML 2.22 - 免安裝的影像備份軟體
